The Smart City Infrastructure Fund has partnered with the developer SiFi Networks America Ltd (“SiFi”) to privately fund a program of over $500m in the deployment of Smart-City ready digital infrastructure across mid-sized cities in the Unites States of America
- $98 million engaged to date in the city of Kenosha, Wisconsin.
- The fiber optic network (“FON”) will be a high quality underground installation via micro-trenching, with maximum reliability and designed to be scalable and to support Smart City / IoT (1 Gigabit symmetrical capacity but up to 10 Gigabit potential). The FON will pass c. 40k homes and businesses and has a construction period of c. 2.5 years.
- The FON will allow Internet Service Providers (“ISPs”) to deliver retail services (internet, TV and voice) to residents and businesses throughout an entire city without demographic segmentation. The network will be open to multiple ISPs on an open access basis, unlocking significant benefits to end-users and reducing the need for further connectivity investments within the city area.
- The roll-out of FiberCityTM inKenosha will not only provide a significant upgrade to internet speeds and accommodate a growing demand for data from next generation devices in households and businesses, but it will also facilitate the proliferation of new Smart City solutions in key urban services, such as traffic control, street lighting and emergency services. Additionally, the fiber network will provide a platform for the future expansion of 10G mobile and IoT networks into the area.
- Project : Kenosha Fibercity
- Category : Fiber Optic
- Location : Kenosha, Wisconsin
- Investment size : US $98 million
- Project Link :